
West Surrey Golf Club


Our Charity for 2025

------  The club has been supporting local charities for over 40 years ------

Captains Gary Chalcraft and Jenny Blake-Thomas are raising funds to support the Royal Surrey's Cancer and Surgical Innovation Campaign.  
The Cancer and Surgical Innovation Campaign is an ambitious and game-changing development, which will see Royal Surrey build upon its world class services in traditional and robotic surgery, enhance its theatre capacity and improve patient experiences and outcomes throughout Surrey and the South East.
Across the NHS, meeting the demand for surgical treatment whilst introducing the latest research and clinical advances is a challenge, more so in the wake of the Covid pandemic. Together with developments in earlier cancer diagnosis and the UK’s growing ageing population investing in surgical services is a key priority for regional NHS bodies.
The Royal Surrey has responded to this need and has already secured, the approval from NHS England to spend £25m to build a new surgical centre. This will be built at Royal Surrey County Hospital in Guildford and operate alongside the existing St Luke’s Cancer Centre.
Why we need your support
  • The new centre will enable Royal Surrey to treat 7,000 more patients every year, including those a with life-threatening cancer diagnosis.
  • Royal Surrey is a regional centre for cancer services supporting a population of up to 3 million (around 4.5% of the UK’s population).
  • 60% of surgical procedures carried out at Royal Surrey are cancer related.
  • The new centre will reduce waiting times leading to better outcomes. Patient experience will be improved with all the care needed taking place in one highly specialised setting.
  • As a centre for innovation and technology, the new facility will support future surgical specialists through research, training and education.
  • Bring together world-leading surgical experts, enabling them to share knowledge and ideas to speed up the development of new surgical techniques and practices.
  • Royal Surrey is already one of the UK’s leading NHS providers of robotic surgery and will be looking to increase the use of surgical robots at the new centre.
Supporting the Cancer and Surgical innovation Campaign
To ensure Royal Surrey’s surgery team can deliver world-class surgery to our patients, we need a world-class setting and outstanding equipment – we urgently need your help to achieve this.
By donating to our Cancer and Surgical Innovation Campaign, you will help:
  • Fund lifesaving surgical equipment and technology that will lead to fewer complications and faster recovery times.
  • Enhance the experience of our patients by funding comfortable and welcoming spaces for patients to prepare, rest and recover from surgery.
  • Support staff wellbeing so they can provide extraordinary care by creating rest areas for them to recharge and prepare for surgical procedures.
  • Invest in research, training and education for future surgical specialists across a wide range of surgical disciplines.


Captains Jeremy Sherwood and Terri de Peyrecave joined forces in 2024 to raise funds for the PROSTATE  Project based at the Royal Surrey County Hospital in Guildford

The Prostate Project is a regional charity whose mission is "to give men a better chance of beating prostate cancer." It provides support to men across Surrey, East Sussex and North Hampshire. 
It was formed in 1999 with its main achievement of contributing half the £5m necessary to build the Stokes Centre, a dedicated Urology outpatient and day treatment Centre at the Royal Surrey. It also funds leading edge research on prostate cancer at the University of Surrey, work which is applicable to other types of cancer. 
Although prostate cancer is a men's disease, women play a vital role in getting men to recognize the disease and do something about it. 


      Captains Jeremy and Terri with representatives of The Prostate Project including Jackie Alliss (Patron),   Colin Stokes (Founder) and  Martin Davies (Chairman) together with Steve Rider who also lent his support to the West Surrey GC Charity Golf Day


Our Captains  Alan Wilkinson and Freda Noble chose to support two Charities during their year - Eikon and Mane Chance - raising the magnificent sum of over  £38,000 to be shared between them 
  Click on the images below for more information

The Eikon Charity supports children and helps young people to overcome difficulties, become resilient and develop into confident adults who contribute positively to their communities.

Mane Chance based in Compton is a Sanctuary for horses, first and foremost, but they also pride themselves in providing a little Sanctuary for their volunteers and visitors too. 


Both charities receive their cheques from Captains  Alan and Freda    ................     Alan with the Eikon team at the 2023 Pro Am

2021 & 2022

Our Captains Graham White and Moira Robb chose to support Oakleaf and Tommy's  and their efforts over the two years of their captaincy helped the club to raise a total of £28,000 for these worthy causes.

Graham White (left) with representatives of Oakleaf at the West Surrey Pro Am

Please click on the images below for further details.


Based in Guildford, Oakleaf work with individuals struggling with mental ill-health. They set out to empower these individuals with training to gain the skills and the confidence needed to manage their mental health and to get back into the workplace. 

Tommy’s fund vital research into the causes of miscarriage, premature birth and stillbirth. They provide free, accurate and up-to-date information for medical professionals and parents-to-be around healthy pregnancy.  


Captains Bill Morris and Mari Magnussen chose to support the disabled children's charity Challengers and are pictured here visiting the charity's centre in Stoke Park, Guildford.  Despite the challenging year they faced with Covid-19, they and the club members raised the fantastic sum of £25,600.

For more information go to


Captains Andy Hindley and Pat White led the club in raising over £15,600 in support of the Samson Centre for MS which  provides free, practical and emotional support for people living with multiple sclerosis in Surrey and surrounding areas.


Pictured - Andy and Pat presenting the cheque to Samson Centre founder John Hambly, staff and patients in the Centre in Guildford

For more details and how to help, go to

In Previous Years

Other charities which the club has helped in the past include -

Phyllis Tuckwell Hospice, Farnham -  The Clockhouse Centre, Milford
The Prostate Project (RSCH Guildford) -  Holy Cross Hospital, Haslemere
Chase Children’s Hospice, Guildford -  The Meath Home, Godalming

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